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The Power of Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy in graphic design relates to the arrangement of design elements relative to their importance in marketing collateral. We understand that as a business owner, you want to tell your audience your whole story. But often you may have the attention of your audience for just fractions of a second. That is where visual hierarchy comes into play. Greyfound Design can help you use those fractions of a second to convey the most critical elements of your message, with the goal of capturing the attention of your audience for a longer period of time. Want to see just how powerful visual hierarchy tools can be? Check this out:

Visual Hierarchy Graphic
Visual Hierarchy Graphic

Did it work? Typography, size, and placement are all used in combination in this graphic to direct the readers' attention to exactly where, and in what order, the designer wanted the graphic to be viewed. We were curious as to whether our artificial intelligence tools would validate the visual hierarchy created in this graphic and, sure enough, the robots agree!

Visual Hierarchy Validated by AI
Visual Hierarchy Validated by AI

If you are ready to make the most of the fractions of a second you have to capture your target audiences' attention, reach out to us to get started.

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